Alles van: W.F. Denslagen
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W.F. Denslagen Observations on urban aesthetics
London, Paris and New York
London, Paris and New York were each designated as 'capital of the world' in the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Besides their cultural importance, they were also admired for their beauty. How travellers described these cityscapes is the theme of this book. Why is it interesting to look at these cities through the eyes of travellers from the past who visited places, which have changed over time? Well, firstly, because if you always restrict your views on architecture by only looking...
Engels | 156 pagina's (ePub2, 22 MB) | U2pi, Voorburg | 2016
W.F. Denslagen Architectural restoration in Western Europe
controversy and continuity
Met reg. - Bibliografie : p. 267-278 By critically analysing policies and practices related to the preservation of historic monuments in England, France, Germany and the Netherlands since the end of the eighteenth century, the author demonstrates that ideas about the restoration of old buildings have been less subject to change than is generally imagined: the idea that the restoration should imply the conservation of that building as a historic document is not an invention of the twentieth century.
Engels | 319 pagina's | Architectura & Natura Press, Amsterdam | 1994
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