Zoekresultaten voor: duurzame economie
Resultaat 41 - 44 (van 44)
David C. Korten When corporations rule the world
Engels | 384 pagina's | Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco | 2001
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John Elkington | Pamela Hartigan The power of unreasonable people
how social entrepreneurs create markets that change the world
Engels | 239 pagina's | Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA | 2008
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Henry Sanderson Volt rush
the winners and losers in the race to go green
Engels | 275 pagina's | Oneworld, London | 2022
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Ruud Lubbers Inspiration for global governance
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Charter
Verdragsteksten en commentaren door de politieke en wetenschappelijke deskundigen.
Engels | 102 pagina's | Kluwer, [Deventer] | 2008
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