Alles van: Archie Brown
Resultaat 1 - 5 (van 5)
Archie Brown The myth of the strong leader
political leadership in modern politics
Putting leaders in context -- Democratic leadership: myths, powers, styles -- Redefining leadership -- Transformational political leadership -- Revolutions and revolutionary leadership -- Totalitarianism and authoritarian leadership -- Foreign policy illusions of "strong leaders" -- What kind of leadership is desirable?
Engels | 466 pagina's | Basic Books, Perseus Books Group, New York | 2014
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Archie Brown The myth of the strong leader
political leadership in the modern age
Engels | 466 pagina's | The Bodley Head, London | 2014
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Archie Brown De opkomst en ondergang van het communisme
Historisch overzicht met de nadruk op de Sovjet-Unie.
Nederlands | 975 pagina's | Spectrum, Houten | 2009
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Archie Brown The Gorbachev factor in Soviet politics
Engels | 406 pagina's | Clarendon, Oxford [etc.] | 1996
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Archie Brown Soviet politics and political science
Engels | 128 pagina's | Macmillan, London [etc.] | 1974
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