Theo IJzermans | Coen Dirkx
The stumbling blocks of the mind
dealing with emotions in the workplace: Rational Effectiveness Training
Where there are people, there are emotions. This includes the workplace. This book is all about Rational Effectiveness Training (RET), a popular and practical method that teaches how to better deal with work situations that cause stress, poor social contact and irritation. Anxiety and stress are only partly caused by external influences; a large percentage of our troubles are of our own making. The RET method teaches you to get a grip on non-productive emotions, emotions that not only cause stress but can also lead you to underperform. The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind is a practical book about a theoretical method. The use of numerous recognisable examples makes the key message clear: manage your emotions and maximise your performance and effectiveness. More than 200,000 copies have already been sold of The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind! Coen Dirkx is a political scientist and specialist in communication and socialisation processes. He was communication specialist at Schouten & Nelissen and then head of Marketing, Communication and PR at SBI, a training, coaching and consulting agency. Coen Dirkx is currently senior communication consultant at NS Vastgoed in Utrecht. Theo IJzermans was a psychologist/psychotherapist and company trainer. His work has included involvement in Rational Effectiveness Training (RET) programmes for trainers and consultants of the Schouten & Nelissen. He also had his own practice in Amsterdam. Theo IJzermans died in 2008. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie