Resultaat 181 - 200 (van 231)
Graeme Evans Cultural planning
an urban renaissance?
The late twentieth century has seen a renaissance in new and improved cultural facilities: from arts centres, theatres, museums, to multiplex cinemas and public art. Cities worldwide have sought to transform their image and economies. Industrial cities have become cultural capitals, such as the Guggenheim Bilbao. Evans explains the relation between the states art policies and the planning of arts, the cultural economy and cityplanning. Combining cultural and economic geography with arts and urban...
Engels | 335 pagina's | Routledge, London [etc.] | 2001
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Smart sustainable cities
a handbook for applied research
Engels | 362 pagina's | HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht | 2021
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Kenneth B. Hall (Jr.) Community by design
new urbanism for suburbs and small communities
Handreiking voor de optimale ruimtelijke inrichting van nieuwe stadswijken.
Engels | 296 pagina's | McGraw-Hill, New York [etc.] | 2001
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The hidden wealth of cities
creating, financing and managing public spaces
Engels | 423 pagina's | World Bank Group, Washington, DC | 2020
Gedrukt boek
Richard Sennett Building and dwelling
ethics for the city
Studie naar een nieuwe manier van denken over stedenbouw en een pleidooi voor de 'open stad', waarbij de stedenbouwers ruimte laten voor de verschillende opvattingen van de diverse bevolkingsgroepen en experimenteren met nieuwe vormen die het voor de mens makkelijker maken om in een complexe omgeving te bestaan.
Engels | 341 pagina's | Allen Lane ; an imprint of Penguin Books, London | 2018
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Robin Renner Urban being
anatomy & identity of the city
Engels | Duits | 315 pagina's | Niggli, Salenstein | 2018
Gedrukt boek
New stakeholders of urban change
a question of culture and attitude?
Engels | 165 pagina's | Jovis, Berlin | 2017
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Avi Friedman Designing sustainable communities
Engels | 216 pagina's | Bloomsbury Visual Arts, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London | 2017
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Donald F. McNeill Global cities and urban theory
Engels | 182 pagina's | SAGE, Los Angeles | 2017
Gedrukt boek
Public space reconfigure
Engels | Koreaans | 239 pagina's | C3 Publishing, Seoul | 2017
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Rethinking sustainable cities
accessible, green and fair
Engels | 184 pagina's | Policy Press, Bristol | 2016
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Helena Casanova | Jesús Hernández Public space acupuncture
strategies and interventions for activating city life
Onderzoek naar kleine ingrepen in de openbare ruimte in de stedelijke omgeving die dienen als katalysator voor verbetering en opwaardering van de omgeving.
Engels | 324 pagina's | Actar Publishers, New York | 2014
Gedrukt boek
Urban fringe
EuropaCity, Microsoft Headquarters in Denmark, Meixi Lake New City, Sejong Art Center, New Istanbul International Financial Center, New Jiangwan Office Park, Hangzhou Xixi One World Class Clubs, New Museum at China Academy of Art Xiangshan Campus
Engels | Chinese talen | 160 pagina's | Tang Art Design & Information Group Limited, Hong Kong | 2013
Gedrukt boek
The metropolitan strategy for the Netherlands
Engels | 45 pagina's | Association Deltametropolis, Rotterdam | 2011
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Self organising city
Engels | 25 pagina's | Association Deltametropolis, Rotterdam | 2011
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Urban design & architecture
the 20th century
Engels | 432 pagina's | Ullmann, [Köln] | 2010
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Sergi Costa Duran High density housing architecture
Engels | 214 pagina's | Loft, Barcelona | 2009
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Aurora Fernández Per | Javier Mozas | Javier Arpa HoCo
density housing construction & costs
Engels | Spaans | 463 pagina's | A+t ediciones, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain | 2009
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